So I am quite a book worm. I read a lot. I am never without a book, reading every night and as a result I get through quite a lot of books. Some good, some not so good. Regardless, books are my favourite things in the world. To get lost inside a story and forget where you are and what you're thinking for a while, to just be completely absorbed by a character or witness a world you never have the opportunity to witness in real life - it's quite magical really.
Anyway, back to the good/bad books I read. I wanted to share with you some of those today. Three of the worst books I read last year, and three of the best books. Maybe it will inspire you to get out and read some of them for yourself!
Let's start with the bad one's shall we?
1. "Hush, Hush"
Now this book wasn't badly written, and the story wasn't TOO bad itself. What annoyed the hell out of me was it's very familiar theme of non-human creatures in intense love with a human, being dangerous and exciting and filled with life-threatening situations. Sound familiar? Yes. It was far too similar to Twilight for my liking.
2. "American Gods"
This book, again, wasn't bad in the sense of the writing or even the story concept. It was a cool concept, about Gods living in real life. It was also written by an author whom I quite enjoy, Neil Gaimon. However, it often made little or no sense. Nothing more frustrating then that in a novel! I was continually left thinking, "Waaaaa?" after reading chapters, particularly after a chapter in which a Goddess eats a man with her lady parts and then never appears in the story again. Very very strange.
3. "The English Harem"
This apparently has been made into a movie now. It's about a young English girl who ends up marrying a man who already has two other wives. A lot of stuff happens, yadda yadda yadda. I found the book odd at first, then got quite into the story and found myself really enjoying it. That's until the end. "And then Tracey woke up from the greatest dream of her life."
TERRIBLE ENDING! Now, this could have been ambiguous. It could have been saying she woke to reality, or alternatively she just woke up from a dream. Regardless, a book should never end with a sentence that has the word 'dream' in it. Not unless they want people to light the book on fire in pure literature rage.
Now onto something a little more positive. The books that were good!
1. "Good Omens"
Funnily enough, this is written by Terry Pratchett (one of my favourite authors) and Neil Gaimon, who wrote one of my least favourite books above as you have read. It was a fantastic read. All about the apocalypse and Angels and Demons, all wrapped up within a terrifically humorous writing style. I would recommend you all to read this one. Very very good!
2. "Jezebel"
I always hear people saying the name Jezebel or read it in books but I never knew who they were referring to. Now I do! The book Jezebel tells the story of the real life princess Jezebel and her incredibly powerful life. It was a fantastic read, mainly because it took a different view. Normally Jezebel is seen or referred to as being evil and corrupting. A force fuelled by sexuality and indulgence in a society and religion that abhors these things. The book took her point of view and it was altogether very interesting.
3. "The Princess Bride"
I had never read the book until last year. Of course I had seen the movie and loved it, but if you are like me and have never read the book, please go read it now! It is wonderful - better then the movie of course, as books usually are. It has great humour and a wonderful, old fashioned story-telling that really draws you in. The story is beautiful, and I believe it is loved by a lot of people simply through the movie. Go ahead and read it ASAP.
So there you go! My three worst loved and three most loved books of 2010. Where would we be without good books, hey?