Sunday, March 7, 2010

Magic Things and Butterfly Wings...

People are strange. Just generally speaking. Most people should realise how strange they are, and have realised how strange they are by now, myself included. This thought popped into my mind as I was catching the train into the city to meet up with
ice cream (for a productive op shop and very sophisticated lunch). I just think it's odd that we crave constant attention from other people, we need relationships, we need each other, and yet we push each other away all the time. On the train, people go straight to the empty seating section so that there is one person in each four-seater, all on their own. And everyone seems to be constantly weary of everyone else. If one person is speaking too loudly, or making conversation with a stranger, we strike them as odd and keep away. We put our earphones in or lift our book up and try to make ourselves as invisible as possible until our stop finally arrives and we can hurry off the train once more, only finally coming out of the 'public transport shell' when we are amoung those we are comfortable with. Just a thought. Just the strange way we live.

I saw Alice in Wonderland yesterday, and loved it. I understand why some people are disappointed with is but I can just not possibly be disappointed with anything Tim Burton does. Johnny Depp was as brilliant as ever, along with all the other members of the cast (cheshire cat had to be a favourite character for me) and it was simply great. On an added note, I think I am quite addicted to Danny Elfman's music. Odd, I know, as he mostly does movie tracks but it's just so magical and unique. I bought the album, as well as the album to the movie Coraline which has some great music in it by Bruno Coulais.

I was contemplating a well-known question the other day and I decided to pose it to any of you who are interested. It's the old "If you could invite three famous people to dinner, who would they be" question. I couldn't quite decided with mine. I figured: Julie Andrews, Stephen Sondheim, and either Tim Burton, JK Rowling or Terry Pratchett. I couldn't make up my mind.
So if any of you want to answer, go ahead in the comment section, just for the fun of it. I'm sure you have some interesting ones.

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