Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Thought Train

Do you ever pause mid-thought and ask yourself what the hell you've been thinking for the last twenty minutes?
I think I do that very often. It's not so much that I step aside and analyse what I've been thinking - I'm not as freudian as all that*. I just try to trace back how I started to think what I was thinking. How me noticing a speck on the floor can end up with me thinking of famous italian opera singers.
Aren't minds strange?
I think conversations can be like this as well. In my opinion, the mark of a true friendship is when conversations can just amble from point to point with no difficulty whatsoever, and then you look back and laugh at how you possibly ended up talking about what you were talking about. It's the comfortability of actually letting your train of thought into a conversation, and not constantly checking and planning what you're going to say.
Now, as much as a train of thought can be a good way to come up with ideas, or conversation, or even distract you from hideously boring situations, it can be a tad damaging. Like when you have one little sad or angry thought and it builds on itself. You start with a small worry and end up mentally travelling through an increasing list of faults and fears. That's not the most comforting type of train of thought.
I also catch myself wondering what other people are thinking all the time. That's pretty normal, I believe, but sometimes I think we get caught up a little bit in trying to find out exactly what another person is thinking. We're never going to find out because, in all honesty, no one ever knows what they're thinking, not completely. That's the point of thoughts, they replace each other with us hearing them but not consciously dwelling on them too much. It's when we fret about them and actually focus on our thoughts that they go a little bit crazy and mislead us.

Oh the ridiculously complex minds of humans.

And oh the ridiculous ramblings of a complex human who just got home from a performance and probably isn't making too much sense.

I'm off to bed then, on that note. Goodnight everybody!

*in true display of my random thought train, as I read through this post after writing it I was reminded of that T.V show 'All That'. Anyone ever watch it? Sorry, just a random side note there.

1 comment:

  1. When you think about it we spend (waste) too much time thinking thoughts that get us no where and not enough time thinking thoughts that will get us some where.

    It is a matter of training, practise and outlook - to place ouselves and our thoughts into a positive space as often as possible where they can do the most good and to spend the least amount of time in the black hole of thoughtdom - negativity.
