Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Discovery of Risk

While we're on the topic of catchups, I have another one to update about.

Just the other day I finally had the games/picnic day that I had been promising to have. Unfortunantly some of the people I miss couldn't make it (ice cream and douser), but spot, dan, giggles and student (not sure if this codename is certain yet... we'll see) were all there for plenty of cookies, cupcakes and a few classic board games.

First of all, I cannot believe how many cookies were eaten. And I thought I'd made too many!

Second of all, a momentous discovery was made, and that is how much fun the game Risk really is. It's the game I think a lot of people (myself especially) bypass because, lets be honest here, it is one of the longest games in the history of long games. It took us a good 40 minutes just to get through the instructions. But we were dedicated and eventually the game began. The next five hours were ridiculously intense and insanely fun. The best part of the game is most certainly the alliances we form. Spot and I had a good one going, while our enemy team student and dan fought against us and giggles decided that she was too morally sound to take sides.
And we played and played and wondered why no one was any closer to winning until dan realised that we'd been playing the rules wrong in an attempt to make the game shorter but by doing so had ended up making the game impossible to win.
Nevertheless, we had to choose a winner and it went to giggles who dominated a good %60 of the world through relatively honest (and yet very sneaky) tactics.
And I have now decided that Risk is a game of epic proportions and deserves another games day dedicated entirely to it and it alone.

Now Risk wasn't the only thing I intended to talk about. I also wanted to say how it was incredobly lovely to see these people, all of whom are finished with YABC forever and therefore not going to be seen on a weekly basis, as much as I'd like it to be otherwise. It's a bit sad really. These were the people who were so welcoming to me when I became a triple, they invited me into their group with smiles and promises of nachos. Thank you guys!

After Risk was finished, and student had gone home, the rest of us cracked out the Cranium set for some more fun and then set up the beds so we could relax and have those sleepover chats we all love so much. We spoke of embarassment, moral codes, boy troubles, aspirations and all the usual stuff and eventually we went to sleep.

The next morning us girls got up and had breakfast, eventually having to drag the boys out of bed for a game of Disney trivial persuit, and then they were off. Overall it was a wonderful night, and like I keep saying, it was great to see them. I really have to be thankful for these friends that I've made the past year. In school it was always so different, because most people seemed so different than me, but this gang share so many things in common and other than that, we just get along incredibly well. It's quite wonderful.

So there you go, those are my cheerful catchup updates done! Stay tuned for more posts, I've really been whipping them out quite regularly lately, pat on the back Emily.


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