2. I don't really hate many celebrities, but I hate both Vanessa Anne Hudgens and Ashley Tisdale with a passion. Vanessa Hudgens for what she did to Rent, Ashley Tisdale for what she did to a classic disney song. Also they're just really annoying.
3. I eat far too many uncooked baked things. In my opinion cake batter tastes better then a cooked cake. It's unhealthy, I know. But it's so damn delicious.
4. I'm a self-proclaimed nerd. I like to read, I like video games, I wear glasses, and occasionally I snort when I laugh. There. The secret's out.
5. I always see faces and pictures in random things, like a mark on the pavement, or in a bunch of leaves. I like to think of some sort of story that goes behind each one, so if you ever catch me staring at something inanimate for a long period of time, that's where my mind has wondered off to.
6. My favourite punctuation is the interrobang. It isn't used enough. Unfortunately I don't know how to type it on my mac, but it's a combination of this: ? and this: ! And it's awesome.
7. I worry sometimes if I'm thinking something mean about someone that they actually have mind reading powers and have heard it all. Insane? I think so.
8. I feel most supremely confident and amazing when I am backstage doing a show. Once I am in costume and in the performing headspace, very little can get me down.
9. I only have 4 or so albums on my ipod that aren't musicals.
10. I like doing anything creative, and as daggy as it is, that includes craft. I love scrapbooking. Don't judge.
11. I own way too many notebooks because I can't resist buying them. I try to find new functions for my notebooks so as a result I seem to have completely pointless notebooks for each aspect of my life.
12. I drink Apple and Blackcurrent juice with breakfast every morning without fail.
13. Nothing annoys me more then someone who chews really loudly. I don't normally get the urge to punch people in the face, but when they chew loudly...
14. I am always reading a book. I read every night before I go to sleep, and have done since I learnt to read.
15. My least favourite television programs to watch are cooking shows. They bore the hell out of me. There's only so many minutes I can watch of someone mixing ingredients together or showing you how to set the oven.
16. I don't understand people who say "that's so funny" and don't actually laugh. If you're gonna say it's "the most hilarious thing I've ever heard", you'd think you'd crack a smile.
17. I look forward to the day that I have my own house so that I can buy things like tea-sets and cake stands and spend a day in Bed, Bath and Beyond.
18. I am incredibly close with my family.
19. Every time I hear someone play an instrument beautifully or every time I look at beautiful artwork I feel inspired to take up that instrument or pick up a brush, even if I have absolutely no talent/technique in that area whatsoever. Seeing someone else's creativity inspires me.
20. I think mnm's are better then smarties, pirates are better then ninja's, and rainy days are more fun then sunny ones.
21. I'm not generally a shy person, but the minute I am around someone who I think is higher up then me on the social status ladder I become a much more subdued version of me. And I tend to think most people are cooler then me.
22. I fidget constantly. Even when I'm absolutely exhausted and collapsed on the couch I'll tap my foot without noticing. Being still for too long doesn't sit right with me.
23. I get incredibly sad when I see someone as being lonely or alone. It always makes me cry in movies when someone is alone, and in real life I absolutely can't handle it.
24. I used to want to be an Egyptologist because I loved ancient history so much. I still love it.
25. My favourite smell is onions frying in oil, and my favourite sound is the Orchestra warming up before a show.
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