Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I know. It has been an incredibly long time since I last posted. Lazy old me. But here we go, I'll give you a nice big post to make up for it all!

So things have been happening, I've been stressing and struggling and then settling back into my routine. All I can really think about at the moment is my impending career. Polka and I have really been going crazy with asking people for advice but it's quite honestly never the same. No two people had the same method for being successful in musical theatre. It's not like medicine where you know what degree you need, how long you study for, what subjects to take.
On the other hand I had some fun times this past weekend, socialising and the like.
Starting off with a friends party which was great fun. Got to hang out with some YABC (and singular non-YABC) friends and chat with some really lovely people I've never really chatted to before. Got some nice compliments which made smile and had a good laugh. In the end Polka and I stayed over the night there and had to unfortunately wake up at 8 so I could be on a train by 8:42. Thank god for Polka and his help otherwise I would have been quite stranded.

So I caught the train onto my next adventure, the city romp, with good old Dan, Ice Cream, Giggles, Spot and Sweet Cheeks (all with other code names on their uniforms) and we made our way to Alexandra Gardens to start our romp. The day was mighty fun, although also incredibly tiring. It really is a good workout, trekking around the city for four hours without rest breaks. And I couldn't really walk the next day but it was all worth it. I spent the day with such fantastic, kind and funny people, so I was incredibly happy.
Also was shown an amazing cupcake store on Degraves in the city called 'Little Cupcakes'. Best store cupcakes I've ever had. mmmmmmm.

Last night polka and I went and saw Cats. I can see why people love it, and I can see why people don't. You can't go in expecting a storyline at all. It's more of a spectacular to show off the amazing dances, vocal talent and of course how they presented the T.S Elliot poems. But once we got used to the oddness of it all we enjoyed it thoroughly. The dancing was AMAZING and I absolutely loved the Cats coming into the audience. Although I got a good fright when I turned around and there's a 'Cat' half a metre away from me staring at me in a very cat-like way. It's amazing the way they completely take on the roles and the physicality of the cats. VERY impressive. And while we gave it a good crack, our YABC version of Jellicle Cats just isn't comparable.

We got to chat t a couple of the actors afterwards and once again it seems the consensus for performing arts schools is WAAPA. Seems like nothing beats it really, so here's hoping I get in.

Just baking a Caramel Pecan Pie for the first time today. It's cooling right now so soon I'll see how it turned out. It seems that that's the main aim for this year: waiting to see how things turn out. How I go in classes, how I cope with ballet, how I go in auditions, YABC, singing lessons, improving or not.
I ask myself "Where is this leading to? What's actually going to happen?"and all I can say is we'll see.

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