Friday, January 21, 2011

We're Halfway There, Wo-OAH - Living on a Prayer!

Hello my blogger friends,

What's new? In my life; quite a few things I suppose. I'm busy with Glee Tribute show (if you live in Melbourne, come down to Cranbourne tomorrow, Frankston on sunday and other places that I can't remember right now) and watch us smile our way through 9 contemporary songs - you're guaranteed grapevines, the occasional cheesy smile and a whole lot of energy and fun smacking you in the face!

In other news, I got into Showfit (a year long, full time musical theatre course) - HOORAY! I'll actually be doing something this year! So while WAAPA, NIDA and BAPA were unsucessful, I haven't failed completely. Actually I wouldn't say I've failed at all because I learnt a lot doing those auditions, and I don't think you can fail at something if you learnt from it.
So yes, I'll be heading to Brunswick every day to sing dance and act my way onto the stage. :D

In even more other news, schming and I have been having excting discussions about how we could put our show on one day in the future. Yes, it's a long way off and we need to finish the show itself first, but just picturing people performing our work is an inspiring thought.

I've also been very much missing writing. It may sound odd, but I've actually been missing the characters of my book. In a way I'm proud of the fact that I can miss them, because it means I created characters real enough to be missed, but I suppose I am biased. I want to start my next book but I'm trying to have everything planned before I do, and that's taking a while. I'll get there eventually!
Talking about missing something, I can't believe how nostalgic and sad I am about Sound of Music! I loved my kids cast so much and miss them like crazy. I even miss people I hardly spoke to! I'm on that post show crazy time when I just have so much love for everyone. It was such an amazing experience, such an amazing cast, such an amazing show - I feel lucky to have been a part of it.

This is off topic now but I've also been realising lately how unpleasent it is to be ignored by someone that you are trying to make an effort to talk with, or establish a friendship with. Maybe their lack of effort is a hint that they don't want a friendship, but when I try to read the signs I get mixed messages - regardless, whether I'm misjudging or not it's still a frustrating feeling. It is times like these when I wish people (including me) would just speak their mind. Say "hi, I think you're nice and want to spend more time with you" and then, "oh, really? Well I've been wanting to spend more time with you!" or, alternitavely, "Oh, that's awkward. I actually don't like you at all...." *backs away slowly*. Either way, at least I would know!
It's times like these I also wish I had mind reading capabilities. That would save a hell of a lot of thinking time.

oh, p.s. I know I already advertised it, but I saw a run of Spring Awakening today and it was AH-MAY-ZING! Don't miss out because one day you will curse the fact that you could have seen so and so the now famous broadway star back in his/her youth, displaying their freakish talent for the world to see. Seriously, it is fantastic. See it!
(scroll down my old blogs to find the link to the website)

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