Saturday, July 17, 2010

Frown Quota

Hello there,

So lately I've been getting into terrible moods for no particular reason - TEENAGE ANGST ATTACK! - and as usual it got me thinking.

FIRSTLY, I don't get how sometimes we can be quite happy to be unhappy for a little while, you know what I mean? Occasionally, when we're fed up with being optimistic, happy, cheerful, friendly and so on and so forth, we give up and let ourselves wallow in whatever miserable thoughts come our way, just for a little bit. Eventually we stop, because really when there's nothing that great to wallow about we're just wasting time.
But isn't it weird? Perhaps not everyone is the same, but every so often, I get sick of being cheerful. Which is probably terrible. But hey, no body's perfect.

A while back I read this portion of a book that my grandma gave me. It was all about understanding how people fall into depression, how they get that far, and it said something like this:

"People have trouble letting go of negative feelings, or unhappiness, because they start to feel that it is a part of them. And to let those feelings go means to abandon part of yourself and leave yourself vulnerable."

So I paraphrased, and kind of rewrote it completely but it had that general gist. And it stuck with me. Because I really think it's true. We do, as much as it sounds ridiculous, enjoy having something to be negative about because it seems to add another dimension onto who we are. Something maybe a bit more dramatic, you know, 'no one can understand my tortured teenage soul-esque' kind of thing. And that's fair enough. Let's face it, a life with eternal cheerfulness would get a little bit dull every now and again.
Maybe we need negative things - problems and dramas and all that jazz - because they challenge us, and test us, and possibly even improve us as human beings.

Whatever the reason, we need some frowns to balance out the smiles, and I reckon that's okay. There's a difference between wallowing for a little while and getting over it, and letting those dramas consume you.


... well actually there is no secondly. I had a second topic but I'll save that for later as it is late, and I want to leave a nice cliffhanger to bring you all back for more.

To be continued.... *dramatically eerie music*


  1. Eerie Music:

    And secondly:
    (Seriously, I have secondly!) I like that insight. I think it now makes sense why the majority of my songs are filled with angst and uncertainty. GAH!
    Need some positivity in the music.

  2. Actually eerie music:
